King James Version (KJV)


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KJV Value thinline Bible zwart
KJV Value thinline Bible zwart

Een balans tussen zowel gemakkelijk te lezen als gemakkelijk mee te nemen, deze Bijbel is een perfecte bron om overal mee naartoe te nemen. Gepubliceerd in Thomas Nelson's exclusieve KJV Comfort Print Lees meer

€ 23,95

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KJV Gift & Award Bible blauw kunstleer
KJV Gift & Award Bible blauw kunstleer

De geliefde en tijdloze King James Version wordt in een betaalbare editie beschikbaar gesteld voor zondagsscholen, bijbelclubs, kerkelijke presentaties en weggeefacties. 640 blz. 14x22 cm. Lees meer

€ 14,95

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KJV I Am Bible
KJV I Am Bible

Engelse hardcover bijbel voorzien van 'resource guide' Lees meer

€ 24,95

KJV Value Compact Bible bruin leer
KJV Value Compact Bible bruin leer

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€ 15,95

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KJV Value Compact Bible marineblauw leer
KJV Value Compact Bible marineblauw leer

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€ 14,95

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KJV Giant Print Full-Size Bible
KJV Giant Print Full-Size Bible

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€ 47,95

KJV Giant-Print Reference Bible
KJV Giant-Print Reference Bible

KJV Bible - soft leather-look, black Lees meer

€ 33,95

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KJV King James Study Bible Burgundy
KJV King James Study Bible Burgundy

The best selling study Bible in the King James Version—now updated, with added features.  Lees meer

€ 45,95

KJV Pew Bible Large Print Burgundy Hardcover
KJV Pew Bible Large Print Burgundy Hardcover

The comfort of large print, the readability of Thomas Nelson’s custom KJV fonts, and the best-loved Bible translation in history all combine to make the KJV Pew Bible. Lees meer

€ 19,50

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KJV Outreach Bible
KJV Outreach Bible

The KJV Outreach Bible is ideal for ministries and churches that want to share the gospel with all who are interested in exploring God’s Word and the Christian faith. Lees meer

€ 6,50

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King James Version Classic Compact Black Bonded Leather
King James Version Classic Compact Black Bonded Leather

Enjoy the Bible that goes where you go. Thomas Nelson's Checkbook Bible offers a complete Bible that's as easy to read as it is to carry! Lees meer

€ 18,95

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Here's Hope New Testament KJV
Here's Hope New Testament KJV

When you discover a living, every day relationship with Jesus christ, you find hope that doesn't fade and makes each day feel like the gift from God that it truly is. Lees meer

€ 2,50

KJV Bible Ultrathin Reference Black
KJV Bible Ultrathin Reference Black

This edition of the kjv ultrathin reference bible is based on an updated typesetting (2012) of the kjv text and offers the best of both worlds: it's easy to carry and easy to read. Lees meer

€ 23,95

KJV Gift & Award Bible Black
KJV Gift & Award Bible Black

Packed full of special features and priced for bulk buying, this Gift and Award Bible is a great way to reward young people at church, in VBS, in Sunday School, or at home. Lees meer

€ 8,95

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